Haymo Doerk
Haymo Doerk


(english version below)

Natürlich könnt Ihr weitere Informationen zu meiner Person und meiner Arbeit von mir persönlich erhalten, CD's bestellen, Bands buchen oder mich als Gitarristen für Eure Produktionen ins Studio holen. Desweiteren biete ich Gitarrenunterricht an. Auch Sponsoren sind jederzeit willkommen!

Die Möglichkeiten, mit mir in Kontakt zu treten:

E-Mail: infoÄthaymodoerk.de


Oder Ihr nutzt das neue praktische Kontaktformular untenstehend - ich hoffe, es funktioniert...


Bis dann!



All the bands and projects mentioned on this site can be booked & all the CDs mentioned on this site can be ordered from the artist himself who is at the same time his own personal secretary and manager:



Some of you might also like to use the new contact form below - I hope it will work...

Feel free to ask me about further projects and musical activities I am involved in, as well as about occasions to see me live on stage (most of them you will find on this site under "Aktuelle Termine" or on the most recommendable website for live concerts: www.hooolp.com) !
Also, if you need a guitar player for touring or studio, or are looking for a guitar teacher in Berlin,  don't hesitate to ask me!
I am also producing jingles, commercials, and sometimes bands I like - if you are interested send me a mail or give me a call:


See you!

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English version below!


For smartphone users:

mobile version (Bandbox) under

haymodoerk.band-box.com !

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© Haymo Doerk