Haymo Doerk
Haymo Doerk

Haymo's Hits

(english version below)


(2022, Calygram)

9 Tracks für alle Gelegenheiten...

Als Gast diesmal dabei ist der großartige Tony Carey (beim Opener "Ready for Take-Off")

Digital auf allen gängigen Plattformen vertreten, physisch nur bei mir persönlich - einfach unter "Kontakt" nachfragen!


Hier könnt Ihr direkt reinhorchen:

MOVING CIRCLES (2009, Tunesday Records)










12 Instrumental-Crossover-Tracks zwischen Jazz, Lounge, Pop und Rock, mit verspielten Grooves, einprägsamen Hooklines und ohrumschmeichelnden Sounds - der perfekte Soundtrack für den Frühling!
Als Special Guest auf "Tipsy Toads" zu hören: der großartige Tobias Relenberg am Tenorsaxophon!
Tausend Dank an dieser Stelle auch nochmal an Manne Pokrandt (www.studio1058.de) für das Mastering!

MP3s auf meiner Reverb Nation - Seite:

Island Dreams

Tipsy Toads

Snake at noon

Enchanted Wood



Die Scheibe ist auf dem Label "Tunesday Records" (www.tunesdayrecords.de) unter der Katalognummer TDR 113 erschienen und über diese Webseite für lächerliche 12,- EUR  zzgl. Versand erhältlich - einfach zu "Kontakt" gehen und unter der angegebenen E-mail-Adresse anfordern!

Zu bestellen ist die CD natürlich auch bei www.tunesdayrecords.de

Wer es noch einfacher haben möchte: "Moving Circles" gibt es auch bei amazon & co.
Ebenfalls bei Tunesday Records bzw. dem Unterlabel "Groove it" erschienen ist die CD "Playbacks für Drummer Vol. 8 - Instrumental Crossover" mit Playalong-Versionen von 8 "Moving Circles"- Stücken plus drei Songs von meiner letzten Scheibe "Shadows of the Past" - als Übungs- und Experimentiergrundlage für Schlagzeuger!
Näheres dazu unter www.tunesdayrecords.de















Nach insgesamt ca. 8 Jahren Arbeit ist meine zweite Solo-CD "Shadows of the Past" Anfang März 2005 fertiggeworden und ab sofort - gegen ein geringes Entgelt von 12 € zzgl. Versandkosten - über diese Webseite zu beziehen!

Die Stilistik ist - wie so oft bei meiner Musik - mit Worten schwer zu beschreiben. Eins steht fest: "Shadows of the past" ist ein reines Instrumentalalbum. Ansonsten gilt:  'Reinhören!

"Gitarre & Bass", April 2006:

"...Es folgt ein Beitrag aus der ehemaligen Mauerstadt: Haymo Doerk ist Gitarrist und spielte früher u.a. bei Poems For Laila. "Shadows of the Past" (www.haymodoerk.de) heißt sein neues instrumentales Solo-Album, das eigenwillige Sounds & Songs und teils wirklich abgedrehte Kompositionen bietet, ebenso von Heavy-Riffs, über Electronica-geprägte Stücke, Jazz-Tunes, ProgRockiges und akustische Folk-Pickings eine Menge Fähigkeiten dieses vielseitigen E- & A-Gitarristen belegt. Haymo hat alles selbst eingespielt - nicht schlecht. Ein guter Musiker, der hier eher mit vielen gelungenen Tracks als mit einem Album-Konzept überzeugt."

Ein paar Ausschnitte sind auf meiner Reverb Nation -Seite zu hören:


Dennis The Menace





















Desweiteren gibt es natürlich auch noch das eine oder andere Exemplar meiner ersten, Ende 1996 erschienenen CD "Fruits of Inheritance", die ebenfalls ausschließlich über mich oder die Homepage des "Studio 1058" für 12 EUR zzgl. Versand bezogen werden kann. Als Gäste sind  Trompeter Paul Brody, "Poems for Laila"-Sänger Nikolai Tomas sowie "Engerling"-Bassist Manfred Pokrandt mit von der Partie. Einige Ausschnitte könnt Ihr Euch auf meiner Reverb Nation - Seite anhören:


No Name


Ghost Train 







Haymo's Hits (english version)


(2022, Calygram)

9 tracks for all occasions...

As a guest this time appears the great Tony Carey (on the opener "Ready for Take-Off")

Digitally represented on all common platforms, physically only from me personally - just ask under "Contact"!







MOVING CIRCLES (2009, Tunesday Records)



Again, it's mainly just me alone, playing a more groovy-loungy version of what I call "instrumental crossover"...always hard to describe. I just recommend to check out what it sounds like!

Special guest on "Tipsy Toads": Tobias Relenberg on Tenor Sax - one of my favorite musicians in Berlin!
Thanks to him and everybody else who helped me - especially Manne Pokrandt (www.studio1058.de) who did the mastering.
"Moving Circles" is available via this website for 12 EUR plus shipping - just go to "Kontakt"!
It is also available via www.tunesdayrecords.de and as well at amazon, itunes etc.

In order to listen to some MP3 excerpts, click here:

Island Dreams

Snake at noon

Tipsy Toads

Enchanted Wood


Also released on Tunesday Records' sublabel "Groove it": "Playbacks for drummers Vol. 8 - Instrumental Crossover" , a playalong version of  8 tracks from "Moving Circles" plus 3 tracks from "Shadows of the Past"! 


And, of course, there are still copies of my former solo-productions available (12 EUR plus shipping):











MP3 samples on my reverb nation site:

Dennis the menace





ProGGnosis Review 17/6/2006
Shadows of the Past is the second solo venture for multi-talented guitarist Haymo Doerk, here Haymo does everything, and like his first cd from nearly 10 years ago finds himself delving into the many musical realms with no limitations, his music is something of a journey through many different ethnic and genre settings, each being a picture of his developement as a musician. His tastes range far and wide, making his music easy to listen to from start to finish, he touches on everything from aggressive fusion to new age, to rock, to folk and nearly everything in between, and because of this wide array of musical ventures, I would liken him more to what one would expect from a person like Phil Keaggy or even Eric Johnson to a lesser degree, yet Haymo's music is it's own thing, and takes a life of it's own as you follow along.
A creative composer that is able to translate his years of growth into his writing is what makes his music as tastefull as it is, yes his is a skillful guitarist, yet his priority to compose first makes his guitar playing a secondary element in the end product. Haymo is knowledgeable in jazz and rock, yet persues music ideas that are not the norm for those genres, his sense for density in arrangements and blending different sounds and modes makes each individual song intriguing.
One should not expect a cd that offers a look at Haymo Doerk as a mere everyday guitar slinger, his approach is much more mature and refined, like his contemporaries of Metheny, Illengerger, etc, his writing approach is from song structure and mood settting first, and behind that his guitarplaying shines in an unobtrusive way. The story behind this cd is an interesting one, he states that he had worked on the material for nearly 7-8 years, and by the time he was wanting to complete the recordings, he realized that recording technology had advanced in leaps and bounds, so with a year of hard at it re-recording he finally finished, and this cd is the end result of almost a decade of work. Might I add that this cd is full of great music of many different forms, and provides a great listen everytime around.
MJ Brady












MP3 samples on my reverb nation site:

No Name


Ghost Train



ProGGnosis Review Fruits of Inheritance
This is the first of two cds that I have been listening to from German guitarist/composer Haymo Doerk. Haymo hsa taken the road less travelled apart from most guitarists heard today, his preference for multi-genre experimenting is indicative of an artist that keeps his mind and ears wide open. Having a history of session work and live performances in various settings also seems to have influeced his chameleonic sense for style and variety.
The overall tone of this recording, his debut cd from back in 1996, has a relaxed feel all the way through, showing compositions that are both heady and contemplative. His guitar seldom takes center stage as one would typically expect from a guitarist cd. His focus is on writing and setting moods for each individual song. And they are dense with themes that are built upon eachother in a seamless way. In some ways I can hear nuances by such varied artists as Pat Metheny, Phil Keaggy, Ralf Illenberger or Peter Finger, and some more contemporary jazz leanings as well. Haymo sets no limits on his musical tastes, as he will not shy away from providing some aggressive fusion into a songs here and there, as is indicative on Ghost Train, yet to take in this cd as a whole, mellow and relaxed are thematically the bulk of the music on Fruits of Inheritance.
I found this cd to be an enjoyable and mood setting listen from start to finish, and the kind of music for those times when you are able to unwind. Haymo is a fine musician, and an even better writer, few musicians are able to impress their deeper feelings through mere notes and beats without letting their egos get in the way, on this cd you are hearing a musician that understands the deeper secrets of creating sounds that aim to allow you to escape the moment into the dream-like state it aims to do.

English version below!


For smartphone users:

mobile version (Bandbox) under

haymodoerk.band-box.com !

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© Haymo Doerk